Ch. xi. 7.
Ps. lxxiii. (lxxiv. A.V.) 13, 4.
St. Luke xviii. 30, where some MSS. have "sevenfold." / "this world," or rather "age," as seculum is elsewhere commonly translated.
St. Matt. xix. 29; St. Mark x. 30.
Ch. xvii. 3.
Dan. vii. 5, where Chald. has, "a lion;" Sept., Theod., Vulg., as Bed., "a lioness."
2 Thess. ii. 9.
See. Hippolytus, Adv. Hær., vi. 20.
2 Thess. ii. 4.
Jer. xvii. 13.
St. John i. 29; Bed., "has taken away;" Gr., Vulg., as A.V., "taketh away."
1 St. Pet. i. 19.
Four cursive MSS. and Andreas, as noticed by Tischendorf, read "sealed," and so Tichonius, as in Mill; between which and the common reading "slain," there is but little difference in writing.
2 Thess. ii. 8.
2 Tim. ii. 5.
Dan. vii. 17. Sept., Theod., Vulg., as Bed.; Chald., A.V., "kings."
St. Matt. vii. 15.
St. John xviii. 28.
2 Thess. ii. 9.
The other version has "as;" Bed., with Gr., Vulg., "which;" and so A.V.
2 Thess. ii. 3.
Irenæus mentions TEITAN, as the name "most worthy of credit." Bk. v. ch. 30, §3. Oxf. Tr., p. 521
Ps. xviii. 6,7 (xix. 5,6 A.V.)
For Primasius see above, Ch. IV, note 12.
Compare Irenæus, u.s. §4; "But this number of the name he shewed, that we should be on our guard against him when he cometh, as knowing who he is; though of his name he was silent, for it was not worthy to be proclaimed by the Holy Ghost."
3 Kings (1 A.V.) x. 14, 15.
Beda inserts "thousands," which is absent from Heb., Sept., Vulg.